torsdag 18 februari 2010

Birthday party......

On the weekend we had a bitrthdayparty for Finn. Lots of presents, kids, food, cake...

This is what happens when you provide a comfy sofa for you guests (and host)

Finn with his favorit gift, he still plays with that box more than any of the beautiful gifts he got.

The little ones seem to stay close to one another when we meet.

Finn was very exites to be a pirate.

The next day it was time for another weddingexpo, here is Finn enjoying some weddingcake, he also liked the marchmallow dipped in the chocolatefountain.

A valentines special.

fredag 12 februari 2010

Michael Murphy

Here is Finn in his new night gown, he thinks it's great and I think it's about as cool as an Akubra, RMs and a driza bone.

onsdag 10 februari 2010

Wedding expo

Have had some busy days with wedding expos, here are some photos of me and what I do when Finn and Flora are in daycare.

tisdag 9 februari 2010

Birthday Boy !

3 A little bit suprised and a little bit tierd was Finn when we came in and sang for him in the morning. A lot of growing has happend in 3 years. In daycare they are making him a airoplane cake, and this afternoon we will have a little party for his friends.