måndag 15 mars 2010

Floras new haircut

On friday Luke took Flora to the hairdresser. She sat very still watching yo gabba gabba (He absolute favorite) on her dvd player. And here is the lovely result. She is very cute and looks even more like Finn.

måndag 8 mars 2010

Flora on the desk

Flora loves the computer and everything else on the desk at the moment,

Time for a haircut.

måndag 1 mars 2010


Floras fringe was getting very long, but it turns out she is not very coperative when it comes to haircuts so at the moment her fringe is very short and very uneven. But she is as happy as ever.

Finn holding a baby (that is almost as big as him). Its his friend Henry he is 7 moths old and very cute. Flora LOVES Henry she doesnt really know what to do with him so she stays close and give him a kiss or a stroke.

Finn took this photo of his dad.